Select creditable hosting service UK Phone Number Database List: It is very important to host your website with a good hosting service. This is because if at any stage the search engine visits your website and finds that it is not functioning then your website UK Phone Number Database List will be simply removed from their database. Therefore, make sure your hosting service is a creditable one, which keeps UK Phone Number Database List your website up and running most of the time. 4. Frame-based site - Having a frame-based website UK Phone Number Database List can also be a roadblock. UK Phone Number Database List In a frame-based site, there are different pages in the same page.
As a result, it can happen that your text page is indexed but not the menu page. To solve this problem, you should UK Phone Number Database List ideally have a non-frame based website. If not then you can try optimizing your frame-based website for a better result. Low Ranking in Searches - It is quite possible that you are indexed on a UK Phone Number Database List but you are not aware of it. This could be because your site is getting a very low ranking in the search results. Most people expect that UK Phone Number Database List their site to come up in the first few listings. As a result, if their site does not do so then they UK Phone Number Database List don't bother to look further and assume that their site is not indexed.
Matters are not helped by the fact that most search engines don't inform you after indexing your website. To get a good UK Phone Number Database List ranking in the search results it is important for you to optimise your website according to the search engine guidelines. 6. In-complete Website - Before submitting your website ensure UK Phone Number Database List that your site is complete and there are no missing pages. Otherwise, your website may not get indexed.